Course Objectives
The CBP™ Professional-Business Communication training program aims to prepare trainees, especially those who have recently joined the work environment.
The program provides the trainees with the most important tips and principles that help to achieve a successful and effective communication in the workplace, and refines their skills by introducing them to the latest methodologies that allow them to reach the most of their capabilities.
The course objectives are as follows:
• Build successful communication strategies to overcome all forms of communication discomfort
• Solving conflicts of opinion or conflicts during professional communication.
• Develop oral communication and presentation skills.
• Develop professional writing skills in business.
• Develops telephone communication skills to accomplish business.
Course Outcomes
At the end of this program, the trainee will be able to:
• Defines what is meant by professional communication.
• Concludes the foundations of professional communication.
• Identifies potential barriers to effective communication.
• Limit successful strategies to overcome those obstacles and constraints.
• Compare verbal and non-verbal communication.
• Infer the basic requirements for effective communication.
• Describes the basic elements of writing official letters at work.
• Explains the importance of target audience analysis in achieving effective communication.
• Identifies key elements of message structure in a typical manner.
• Evaluates the role of written communication.
• Conclude the advantages of effective written communication.
• Formulates creative persuasive writing.